Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Fall 2011 News

Hello blog readers!

I wanted to write a quick note to explain that my writing projects have been interrupted by this crazy thing called LIFE! That brings me to my first and most important piece of news: on November 12, 2011 I am going to marry my childhood friend, Brien Hartung. Because I will be spending the next two months focusing on wedding preparations, all my writing projects are being put on hold until after November. This includes the conclusion of the Silver Sword Saga which I was originally planning to release around Halloween, the release of the Silver Sword anthology and my work on Quests 2.

In other news I plan to continue using "Rebekah Prudhomme" as my pen-name. If you wish to find updates on my writing projects you can continue to follow this blog, go to my Amazon Author Central page, or if you use Facebook "like" my brand new author fan page.

Also, this is the last month I will be selling the limited edition copies of The Jericho Effect. If you wish to buy a limited edition in either paperback or Kindle THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE TO DO SO. However, I may also make regular copies of The Jericho Effect available around Christmas time depending on how busy I am.

Lastly, several of my stories are still up for sale online, so please consider buying them and supporting my writing efforts.

Until I return to my writing some time after November I wish you happy reading!