In 2nd place we have Adam who answered the questions correctly including the bonus ones!
In 3rd place is Wren who answered most the questions correctly and made a good effort to guess at the rest.
Congratulations winners and thanks for playing!
By the way I highly recommend Judy Allen’s Fantasy Encyclopedia to anyone interested in the genre. It’s one of my best sources for looking up fantasy creatures quickly. Also, I know I’ve read about most of these creatures in a few books and stories but I couldn’t remember all of them so I just put down the ones I could think of.
Now for the answers:
1. I live in mines. When danger is near I'll tap on the wall to warn you. What am I?
Answer: Tommy-knocker (a.k.a. Knocker, or Thumper)
From: Miners’ tales throughout the world
Sources: Fantasy Encyclopedia, The Spiderwick Chronicles by Holly Black and Tony DiTerizzi
2. I'm a small elvin creature that likes to tinker with technology. I was first discovered by the British Royal Air Force in the 1920s. What am I?
Answer: Gremlin
From: Legend formed from stories of the British Air Force
Sources: Fantasy Encyclopedia
3. I’m a shape-shifter who loves to cause terror and trouble. I change into things you fear. What am I?
Answer: Boggart
From: British legend
Sources: Fantasy Encyclopedia, Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling, The Boggart by Susan Cooper
4. I appear in the shape of a horse, but my hooves are backwards from those of an ordinary horse. If you get on my back I will carry you to the nearest source of water and attempt to drown you. What am I?
Answer: Kelpie (or Water Horse)
From: Scottish Mythology
Sources: Fantasy Encyclopedia, Water by Robin McKinley and Peter Dickenson, a children’s version of the Water Horse story whose name I’ve sadly forgotten
5. I live in marshes. You can only see me as a mysterious floating light. If you follow me I will lead you far into the marsh and leave you stranded there. What am I?
Answer: Jack O’ Lantern or Will O’ The Wisp
From: British legend
Sources: Fantasy Encyclopedia, Jack O’Lantern by Patricia A. McKillip (contained in the anthology, Firebirds Rising)
6. I can breathe fire I have the head of a lion, the body of a goat and the tail of a serpent. I brought death and destruction for years before battling a Greek hero. What am I?
Answer: Chimera
From: Greek Mythology
Sources: Fantasy Encyclopedia, various books on Greek myths and legends
7. I'm a man-like creature made out of mud or clay. I can only be brought to life by spells. I work as a servant, always doing as I am told and never moving unless I am given instructions. I usually work for sorcerers. What am I?
Answer: A golem
From: Hebrew Mythology
Sources: Fantasy Encyclopedia, Fablehaven by Brandon Mull
Bonus questions:
1. I live in the Alps. Icicles hang from my hair and beard. I prefer cold weather and hibernate in the summer. My favorite form of entertainment is surfing on avalanches, though I will whistle to warn you of their danger. What am I?
Answer: Barbegazi
From: Legends in the Alps
Source: Fantasy Encyclopedia
2. I have wild green hair and blue skin. I hibernate in the winter and am at my most mischievous in the spring. I let out whistles to confuse humans. To escape me you must put your clothes on backwards. What am I?
Answer: Leshie
From: Russian Folklore
Source: Fantasy Encyclopedia
Answer: Jack O’ Lantern or Will O’ The Wisp
From: British legend
Sources: Fantasy Encyclopedia, Jack O’Lantern by Patricia A. McKillip (contained in the anthology, Firebirds Rising)
6. I can breathe fire I have the head of a lion, the body of a goat and the tail of a serpent. I brought death and destruction for years before battling a Greek hero. What am I?
Answer: Chimera
From: Greek Mythology
Sources: Fantasy Encyclopedia, various books on Greek myths and legends
7. I'm a man-like creature made out of mud or clay. I can only be brought to life by spells. I work as a servant, always doing as I am told and never moving unless I am given instructions. I usually work for sorcerers. What am I?
Answer: A golem
From: Hebrew Mythology
Sources: Fantasy Encyclopedia, Fablehaven by Brandon Mull
Bonus questions:
1. I live in the Alps. Icicles hang from my hair and beard. I prefer cold weather and hibernate in the summer. My favorite form of entertainment is surfing on avalanches, though I will whistle to warn you of their danger. What am I?
Answer: Barbegazi
From: Legends in the Alps
Source: Fantasy Encyclopedia
2. I have wild green hair and blue skin. I hibernate in the winter and am at my most mischievous in the spring. I let out whistles to confuse humans. To escape me you must put your clothes on backwards. What am I?
Answer: Leshie
From: Russian Folklore
Source: Fantasy Encyclopedia
Wow! I guess I didn't know there were so many creatures... Good job to the winners! Even though I didn't enter, I NEVER would have guessed any of these! Congrats!